明宣德款青花双龙戏珠纹三足双耳香炉 Ming Dynasty Xuande Mark Blue and White Three Legged Incense Burner with Double Dragon Playing with Pearl Design and Two Handles ID:7526 - 明宣德款青花双龙戏珠纹三足双耳香炉 Ming Dynasty Xuande Mark Blue and White Three Legged Incense Burner with Double Dragon Playing with Pearl Design and Two Handles - -
清乾隆款青花穿莲龙纹天球瓶 Qing Dynasty Qianlong Mark Blue and White Globe Vase with Lotus and Dragon Design ID:7524 - 清乾隆款青花穿莲龙纹天球瓶 Qing Dynasty Qianlong Mark Blue and White Globe Vase with Lotus and Dragon Design - - Qing Dynasty Qianlong-marked blue and white celestial globe vase with lotus and dragon patterns